Please note that a Steel Band event time of 12am or 00:00 hours means that
a time is not yet scheduled.  The directors will provide updates as the event gets closer.  Also, a "??" in the event description means that the event is not yet "Confirmed".  The executive will provide more details as the event date approaches.

Please note this is the (old) historic data calendar, please refer to the Google calendar above for current scheduling.

Oct 29, 2012 - New 2013+ Event Calendar Format

As of the 2013 season I will be experimenting with a new Event Calendar format for the Steel Band.  I will be converting to the Google Calendar system.  The Google calendar allows several benefits over the current "CGI Web" calendar including but not limited to: automatically formats for multiple events on a single day, multiple levels of security, remotely accessible, accessible via Android device by anyone (with prior permission) and formatted for easy printing.

I will be experimenting with 2013 events over the next month or so, stay tuned for changes.

If you have any concerns over the migration please let the site administrator (Doug) or the executive know right away.

Thanks, Doug M.

Template (v0.1) created by Fienieg